PO Box 1555, Lawrence, KS 66044 || warmheartsofdouglascounty.com
Warm Hearts of Douglas County has been serving the community for over 40 years. Warm Hearts operates entirely on a volunteer basis, with members of the Board of Directors donating their time, talents, and expertise to make what we do possible.
Over the past 5 years, Warm Hearts has provided energy assistance to 4,036 individuals in 1,748 Douglas County households, with an average assistance of $258 per household.
In 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Warm Hearts expanded its traditional assistance program to provide additional fuel and energy assistance to Douglas County residents.
We strive to bring financial aid to keep the homes of those in need warm.
We hope to see a future where communities rally together, where young and old alike are cared for and loved, where the essentials of life are a given.
David Bellinder
Ernie Dyer
Ranelle Fischer
Mary Grob
Al Hack
Stacey Leslie
Larissa Long
Jim Lord
Cindy Lynn
Malissa Martin
Doni Mooberry-Slough
Keri Rodriquez
Jennifer Sheldon-Sherman
Michelle Sumner